I am convinced that I have a lot to learn from other’s wisdom. That’s why reading is an invaluable habit that helps having a different point of view, be more critical and humble.
This is a list of recommendations that inspired me.
- Dickinson T. & Schaller A. (2006). NightWatch ❤️
- Dickinson T. & Dyer A. (2021). The Backyard Astronomer’s Guide ❤️
- Tyson N. deGrasse. (2017). Astrophysics for People in a Hurry
- Tyson N. deGrasse, Strauss M. & Gott J. (2016). Welcome to the Universe
- Dobelli R. (2014). The Art of Thinking Clearly
- Kahneman D. (2013). Thinking, Fast and Slow
- McRaney D. (2012). You Are Not So Smart
- Frankl V. (2006). Man’s Search for Meaning ❤️
- Bass L., Clements P. & Kazman R. (2021). Software Architecture in Practice
- Brooks F. (1995). The Mythical Man-Month
- Feathers M. (2004). Working Effectively with Legacy Code
- Forsgren N., Humble J. & Kim G. (2018). Accelerate
- Gamma E. et al. (1994). Design Patterns
- Kleppmann M. (2017). Designing Data-Intensive Applications ❤️
- Ousterhout J. (2021). A Philosophy of Software Design
- Taze M. (2021). Engineers Survival Guide
- Thomas D. & Hunt A. (2019). The Pragmatic Programmer ❤️
- Deutsch D. (2012). The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World
- Hamming R. (2020). The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn
- Hesse H. (2002). Siddhartha ❤️
- Horowitz P. (2015). The Art of Electronics ❤️
- Norman D. (2013). The Design Of Everyday Things
- Stanier M. (2016). The Coaching Habit
- Voss C. (2017). Never Split the Difference